GCSE RE AQA: Covenants with Abraham and Moses

Hi guys and welcome to another episode in the RE series. In today's episode, we will discuss God's covenants with Abraham and Moses. If you are aiming for the top grades why not try some exam questions: 1) Give 2 of the 10 commandments [2 marks] 2) "Abraham is a perfect role model for Jews because he showed complete dedication and obedience to God" Evaluate this statement and give arguments for and against this statement [12 marks] *Exam tip - For the 12 markers it is acceptable to refer to other role models in the Torah who also showed dedication and obedience to God as a counter to the statement. I hope you find this useful, don't forget to share this resource with your friends. God bless!

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This podcast is tailored to GCSE students who need extra revision. You can use this anytime and anywhere to fit it in extra revision. I hope you find this useful and God bless. Please subscribe! 😊 If you have any queries or need to contact me here is my email: pinyaba040@gmail.com