Ep. 27 | The Pros and Cons of Overlanding as a Family

This week we are checking in from Sedona, Arizona where we’ve rafted up with our dear friends @SimplyUsAndaBus to shelter in place together.  We’ll share some stories of our trip from the Mojave to the Sonoran Desert and then dive in for our theme of the week - week - our opinion of the pros and cons of living on the road. We’ve boiled the themes down to four main categories - Freedom, Time, Security and Education. For each theme we will discuss the pros and cons of this lifestyle vs living a life with a typical home. Thanks for tuning into the Rewilding Parenthood Podcast - let us know what you think by hitting us up on instagram @AfueraVida. 

Om Podcasten

Today, we see a movement afoot. It's not limited to the countryside or the heart of the city, the movement is global and strong parents are choosing to restore, regenerate and re-cultivate what parenthood means and what success as individuals and as a family is. We call this rewilding parenthood and this podcast features parents leading this movement. Our podcast is told in 5 episode thematic based seasons - the purpose being we want families interested in a certain subject matter to get a holistic look at the lifestyle they seek to pursue and most importantly highlighting paths to achieving this life. Of the five episodes per season, four will be hosted by me in English and the fifth in Spanish and hosted by my partner, Sofi. So whether your kids are in your mind, in the womb, in diapers, school or taking care of you, the stories told here are for those of us who have chosen the sacrifice and joy of parenthood and seeking a better way to be.