91: Alexis Strum on pop justice for "Addicted" and "Cocoon" albums, plus Kylie and Rachel Stevens
We love a bit of pop justice, don't we?! And today we're fist-pumping through a ton of it in our bubbly and inspiring catch up with Alexis Strum, one of Britain's best kept pop secrets of the 2000s. Kylie and Rachel Stevens recorded Alexis's songs, which became everlasting fan favourites. She has written with Billy Steinberg (Madonna, Cyndi Lauper), Brian Higgins and Richard X and yet, tragically, neither of her two major label albums ever saw the light of day... until 2023 when Alexis managed to get them released officially, two decades later. At last, fans can enjoy "Addicted" and "Cocoon" - the two contrasting and sumptuous sides of Alexis Strum's 2000s output. "Addicted" - a self-dubbed "sexy, electro bitch" body of work - almost was her official debut. The once-lost album features 'Nothing Good About This Goodbye' (done with Xenomania, later released by Rachel Stevens) and 'Still Standing' (recorded by Kylie on her "Body Language" album). The following album, "Cocoon", presented a more authentic, singer-songwriter artiste - featuring the single 'Bad Haircut', 'World Without Your Love' and 'Go My Own Way'. Joel and David find out how Alexis has navigated the ups and downs of being a popstar in the 2000s, how she has harnessed the power of social media to tell her story and re-written her narrative. This is an episode unlike any other! Buy "Cocoon" here: https://slinky.to/Cocoon Follow Right Back At Ya! https://www.instagram.com/rightbackpod/ https://twitter.com/rightbackpod https://www.facebook.com/rightbackpod Follow Alexis Strum https://www.tiktok.com/@alexisstrumofficial https://www.instagram.com/alexisstrum/ https://twitter.com/alexisstrum Follow Joel https://www.instagram.com/dr_joelb/ https://twitter.com/DR_JoelB Follow David https://www.instagram.com/lovelimmy/ https://twitter.com/lovelimmy Email us rightbackpod@gmail.com