Survivor 45 | Ep 9 Feedback Show w/ Dr. Christian Hubicki

Survivor 45 | Episode 9 Feedback Show with Dr. Christian Hubicki Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) is back to take the feedback from all the listeners of Rob Has a Podcast on the Survivor 45 feedback show! We’re back with another great feedback show and a great guest! Today, we’re talking Survivor 45 episode 9 with the great Dr. Christian Hubicki (@chubicki). As always, Christian offers his unique perspective on this week’s episode while joining Rob to take feedback from RHAP listeners and discuss the week in Survivor social media. Additionally, you may send in your questions for every future feedback show by going to, by calling (323) 282-RHAP, or by emailing survivor [at] robhasawebsite [dot] com. Never miss an episode of RHAP’s extensive Survivor 45 coverage by subscribing to the Survivor Podcast Feed.

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