Refocused Learning Leads to Innovative Robotics

In this 8th episode of Robotics for All Podcast by AV&R, Michael Muldoon host of our show, talks with Audrey Boucher-Genesse, Coordonnatrice académique du baccalauréat en génie robotique at the Université de Sherbrooke. They take a dive into the Université de Sherbrooke's innovative Robotics Engineering bachelor’s program which focuses on project-based learning.In this conversation, we are joined by David Mailhot, our Director Robotic Finishing Development and together with Audrey we have...

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At AV&R our mission is to humanize robotics. We decided to create this podcast series to help you demystify the world of robotics and discover what some of the brightest minds in the field are doing. Welcome to Robotics for All Podcast by AV&R!