Architectural Horror and the Night Clerk Zine – Episode 199

Architectural horror is a subgenre of intention. Novels like House of Leaves, movies like The Shining, the Saw series, and games like Control can all be called architectural horror, but what does that mean? Rob Stith of the Orpheus Protocol and I talk about the genre and my new scenario, The Night Clerk, which is now funding on Backerkit! If you want to know what the three types of architectural horror are, listen to this episode. Back The Night Clerk on Backerkit! The Orpheus Protocol RPG is now on DrivethruRPG. Shout Outs * Bomb Rush Cyberfunk: The spiritual sequel to Jet Set Radio. A beautiful and fun game. * The Remnant 2: A new action RPG with great gameplay. * Bad Movie Bible: A fun Youtube channel discussing b-movies. * Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer: A love letter to 90s FPS games and teenage edgelord silliness.  

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Role Playing Public Radio is a tabletop RPG podcast for all gamers! Our shows feature gaming advice, reviews, and discussions about the hobby. Hosted by award-winning author, Ross Payton, RPPR is a must listen for everyone interested in tabletop games. Whether you're an experienced GM or new to hobby, there's something here for you. If you want to create your own game, you can listen to our ongoing series Game Designer Workshop, where we look at every aspect of publishing RPGs, from initial design to printing and shipping your own game. In our regular episodes, We also look at some of the weirdest games ever published in our After Hours series.