Experiences With Subconscious Reprogramming: Visualizations, Hypnosis Meditaiton, How To Stop Being So Triggered, Deeper Healing, Better Relationships, How To Be Happy Alone, Gain Compassion | #044

Are you curious about what subconscious reprogramming is? Do you want to know more about the part our subconscious plays in our behavior? Would you like to hear about the experiences I’ve had during hypnosis meditations? We're back! I've taken some time off 1:1 coaching and podcasting to focus on therapy and creating new offerings withing Root Awakening. Welp, in this time I've had some wild realizations (and visualizations) about my patterning and what my triggers mean for my mental health. In today’s episode on Root Awakening: A Health Podcast I’m going to be talking about my experiences with subconscious reprogramming through hypnosis meditation. Some of you are already aware that I’ve been using To be Magnetic’s manifestation process as therapy over the past few months. The To Be Magnetic process revolves around raising your self worth through mainly journaling and hypnosis meditation. I've made so much progress with my mental health and I see the difference in my day to day. In this episode, I talk about: the behavioral patterns that I found within myself that have been looping since childhood, what started my behavioral patterns, what limiting beliefs my subconscious mind was still holding on to, how my limiting beliefs affected my romantic relationships and dating life, how my limiting beliefs made me dependent, how I know subconscious reprogramming or therapy is working, how I've been able to stop being so triggered, my new mindset on being triggered, and the difference between coaching and therapy. Not to mention, I talk about how I was able to become comfortable being single and alone without coping mechanisms like alcohol and technology, and what visualization I had that gave me this solution. - CONNECT - Connect with Emily to ask any questions that you have, or share thoughts and feedback. INSTAGRAM: @emilys.rootawakening | https://www.instagram.com/emilys.rootawakening EMAIL: hello@rootawakening.co (.co, not .com) - LEARN -  JOIN THE ROOT AWAKENING EMAIL TRIBE: https://rootawakening.co/email-tribe COMMUNICATION & BOUNDARIES COURSE: https://rootawakening.co/communication JOIN THE ROOT AWAKENING COMMUNE: email Em at hello@rootawakening.co, or DM on Instagram @emilys.rootawakening REQUEST REDUCED RATE 1:1 COACHING WITH EM: email Em at hello@rootawakening.co, or DM on Instagram @emilys.rootawakening - SUPPORT - I've put my heart and soul into this podcast, and it's part of my life's purpose to make natural, intuitive healing accessible to everyone. I would love your support in this quest too! Spread the word, subscribe, review this podcast, share this podcast with loved ones, share this podcast with your community. Let's lift each other up and become empowered together. MUSIC BY: Pluto Monday | Esan is an incredible painter, musician, artist, and all around spectacular human. Support his work and prepare to soak up some creative energy: @plutomonday | https://www.instagram.com/plutomonday

Om Podcasten

Natural health, how that relates to mindset, and conversations on spirituality, holistic health, herbalism, mental health, and self healing. If you need solutions to digestive health, sleep, sustainable energy, natural skincare, self love, and self care, this podcast is your new favorite resource. Your host is Emily Ciosek, a health coach certified in Ayurveda, an ancient indian herbal science. Emily has had a rough health history, but healed herself by building strategies to break unhealthy habits, stick to healthy habits, stay consistent, and reconnect with the body.