How To Discover Your "Why"!

I’ve been an approval seeker since babyhood—it’s all survival-related. So, if you find yourself asking questions—whether about a relationship, a situation, or even yourself—pause and reflect. Ask yourself: Why am I asking this question? What is my "why"? This alone can lead to powerful insights. Am I asking to be strategic? Am I operating from my masculine energy or my Feminine Energy? Am I radically accepting myself, or am I just searching for someone or something to blame? Often, 90% of our energy goes into this process of trying to settle ourselves. So, when you start to ask a question, dive deeper—ask questions about the question itself. For example, do you really want to know what a man does in a certain situation, or are you just trying to figure out who’s to blame or how to let yourself off the hook? Try substituting “Why did this happen?” with “For what reason did this occur?” Feel that shift in your body. Does it feel different? To get so much clarity for every situation in y9uor life, and a new sense of freedom! - join me on The Rori Raye Siren Island Official Course & Community here: Love, Rori #feminineenergy #loveadviceforwomen #happiness #relationship

Om Podcasten

I find it so amazing to hear "out there" that Feminine Energy is something you, as a women, need to "aspire to"... when, actually, Feminine Energy is what you already are... Every week, Rori Raye sits down with Siren School Director Natalina Love to work through deep, sometimes difficult, topics, situations and questions - and answers with completely original, irreverant and incredibly effective solutions. If you have questions for Rori, just email her at, and you'll get a fast answer in both a personal letter and the podcast!