How To Feel Powerful (When You’re With A Powerful Man!)
To be a woman and actually have power means to embrace your feminine energy. In the workplace, if you want to run for president, for example (and we're seeing that now!), you can’t stand on the podium and act like a masculine energy man—no one will hear you. You have to be soft, present, and connected to your power source. There’s power in creating, co-creating, and harnessing energy, but we often block it, as we've been trained to brush ourselves aside. Accepting how powerful we truly are is key. Our energy radiates like an aura, and we can make that energy huge... ...When we allow our feminine energy to flourish, we tap into our deepest power. To get weekly live classes, my monthly Masterclass -Workshop, exclusive Rori Raye materials and personal help whenever you need it - Join me and brilliant Siren School coaches (most are pretty famous, and you know them already!) on The Siren Island Official Course & Community here: Love, Rori