The Reason You Should Date Other Men While In A Relationship

...Dating other men while you're in a relationship. Ha! This is so foreign to us, and why? We've, we've always been like this, really. Our grandmothers, our aunts, all were like this. It was the dance card thing. Scarlett O'Hara was like this. Nobody, but nobody ever expected somebody to go steady with them or be exclusive with them without already stated intentions or some kind of structure from your community and the religious group or cultural group that had rules. Other than that, we've just started to be going steady with guys since the fifties! I mean, it's recent. It's just like a "thing". And who does it benefit? Men! They get to have you as a girlfriend without committing in any way, shape, or form. At least you used to have a going steady ring. We don't even do that anymore. To really get to how Circular Dating works (clue: it's NOT about dating!) - and apply it to your own life so you completely take the pressure off a relationship and lose the anxiety and frustration you've been carrying around while he seems so baffled by "commitment" - try The Siren Island Course and Community and get personalized Tools, one-to-one coaching, classes, and Masterclass/Workshops with me every month: Love, Rori

Om Podcasten

I find it so amazing to hear "out there" that Feminine Energy is something you, as a women, need to "aspire to"... when, actually, Feminine Energy is what you already are... Every week, Rori Raye sits down with Siren School Director Natalina Love to work through deep, sometimes difficult, topics, situations and questions - and answers with completely original, irreverant and incredibly effective solutions. If you have questions for Rori, just email her at, and you'll get a fast answer in both a personal letter and the podcast!