201: I’m sorry, they said what?

We’ve got a brand new format for the RLC Podcast today, Clockworkers, and we can’t wait to hear what you think about it. We’re sharing 3 recent “big news” stories, and breaking down just how applicable they are to small business owners. (Spoiler alert… they aren’t at all) Too often we see entrepreneurs model their decisions on the dangerous or impractical  actions of larger corporations. But we want to make sure you’re focused on running your business with efficiency at all times, and not getting bogged down worrying about made up trends like “quiet hiring”. On this episode Adrienne and Emily discuss: “Resenteeism” and why it’s not a thing “Quiet hiring” and how it’s actually rebalancing your team The big layoffs and why you should never do it this way… Enjoyed this format? We definitely want to know! Come share your thoughts with us on IG Clockwork Instagram → @rlclockwork Want to learn more about the work we do? Clockwork Accelerator → www.clockworkaccelerator.com

Om Podcasten

Giving you every tool you need to grow + scale your business with operational excellence, while also prioritizing your quality of life. Hosted by best-selling author + speaker Mike Michalowicz + operational efficiency expert + CEO, Adrienne Dorison, the Run Like Clockwork podcast is a series of insightful + topical operations conversations based on the best-selling book, Clockwork, to help small business owners design a business + team that runs itself. To stay in touch with all things Run Like Clockwork, you can check out runlikeclockwork.com. Subscribe, review + share your takeaways from each episode with us on social media so that we can connect!