64: How to Let Your Team Implement Clockwork for You with Lexi D’Angelo
“I knew that in order to grow, I’d have to release most of the things, which felt really scary and it took awhile, but with Run Like Clockwork, everything changed and shifted.” Lexi D’Angelo Leadership within Clockwork looks like doing less, not more. Releasing control and allowing other people on your team to do things you may be really strong in (or not) frees you up to really lead in your position as the visionary of your company. On this week’s Team Takeover episode of the Run like Clockwork Podcast, RLC Lead Coach, Emily, talks with Clockwork superstar, Lexi D’Angelo, about her business journey with Clockwork and how it’s impacted her leadership growth. Lexi shares how to allow your team to take the lead with implementation of the Clockwork principles to unlock the next level of growth and fulfillment. On this episode Emily + Lexi discuss: The importance of being aligned with your Clockwork Why How to get out of the trap of grinding for money without fulfillment Which hire Lexi needed to be the bridge between the Visionary and implementation How to allow your team to implement Clockwork The rose + thorn of Clockworking Lexi underwent a huge business + leadership shift through the process of Clockworking the TabWoo Institute and Integrative AlchemyTM Practitioner Certification. Through her fully trusting the Clockwork process, her company has experienced rapid growth (in team + revenue) and says “Clockworking is opening up so many more options and changing the timeline of what is possible.” Want to start getting the most of your team, tools and talent... today?! Join our Clockwork Your Business: Delegate to Accelerate Bootcamp This 5-Day business bootcamp intensive is designed to help you focus on creating the business of your dreams, (one that outlives you) by working smarter and not harder! JOIN THE DELEGATE TO ACCELERATE BOOTCAMP