84: How to navigate losing a team member with Laurie Stirling

Picture this: someone on your team comes to you and says they are leaving, for whatever reason.   What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Would you feel prepared? Would your business halt or just hiccup?   This week on the Run Like Clockwork Podcast, Adrienne and Laurie from Team RLC talk about how to navigate losing a key team member. It’s inevitable that you will have team members outgrow and leave… we want to help you think through some things so you feel prepared.    Topics Adrienne + Laurie discuss on this episode: Cultivating a culture of open communication How to leave the door open for the future Setting up systems now to make offboarding transitions smoother Splitting roles up by strengths + identifying gaps   Laurie has been an integral part of our Run Like Clockwork team. We will miss her and wish her the best in this new chapter! Perhaps you have a *Laurie* on your team who is a key team member and you’re worried about if/when they leave. Or perhaps you have someone leaving your team, for whatever reasons, we hope this episode sheds light on things you can do now to make the off-boarding transition and replacement as smooth as possible.   What has been the most difficult part of losing a team member for you? Would love to hear! Tag us on Instagram @rlclockwork   And as always, we’re continuing the conversation over in our free Run Like Clockwork Community! We’d love to hear your Clockwork questions!   JOIN THE CONVERSATION INSIDE THE COMMUNITY

Om Podcasten

Giving you every tool you need to grow + scale your business with operational excellence, while also prioritizing your quality of life. Hosted by best-selling author + speaker Mike Michalowicz + operational efficiency expert + CEO, Adrienne Dorison, the Run Like Clockwork podcast is a series of insightful + topical operations conversations based on the best-selling book, Clockwork, to help small business owners design a business + team that runs itself. To stay in touch with all things Run Like Clockwork, you can check out runlikeclockwork.com. Subscribe, review + share your takeaways from each episode with us on social media so that we can connect!