How To Work Through Mid Run Panic, Fear, and Self-Doubt

Hey Gang! Today on the Run, Selfie, Repeat podcast, I want to talk about this question that was asked on my Instagram: "Ok HOW do you get over the desperate feeling during a race? Like I always feel like I can't keep the pace up and will never PR ever again."  Let's talk about how to work through mid-run panic, fear, and self-doubt. Follow Kelly on Instagram  Follow the Badass Lady Gang on Instagram Join our free online community! Get Annual Membership to the Badass Lady Gang Training Team! Training for a half marathon or marathon? Join the Badass Lady Gang for a Training Experience! Find out more about the badass lady gang 

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Short, weekly pep talks that'll motivate you to take that first step, set a goal that scares the crap out of you, or laugh your way through the struggle. It's the Run, Selfie, Repeat podcast, where we talk about life with a side of running. So join me as we get real, get ugly, kick ass and take names.