Outdoor Adventures with Teens & Tweens with Jen Barnes

We're chatting with Jen Barnes, South Carolina mom of 3 teenagers. Jen specializes in helping parents plan and book adventure travel trips with their teens and tweens. She knows firsthand the importance of giving teenagers the space to take risks, learn important skills and discover themselves through outdoor adventure and travel. Jen gives parents of teens helpful tips on how to choose and implement the perfect vacation for everyone in your family. RWMC website: www.runwildmychild.comRWMC Instagram: @runwild.mychildJen's Instagram: @gofamilyadventureJen's Website: www.thegofamilyadventure.comRecommended reading: How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-HaimsJen's RWMC post: Teaching Map Reading Skills to Kids

Om Podcasten

The Run Wild My Child podcast is where we discuss the importance of getting kids outside and help busy parents like you, get your kids off screens and out the door! Hosted by Sara McCarty, mom of 3 and founder of Run Wild My Child, a resource website all why kids need to spend time outside and filled with easy ways to make outdoor time fun and enjoyable for everyone, even if you’re not outdoorsy.