Дима в музее (Dima at the museum)

This episode features features a story about Dima who is going to a museum. The story contains some verbs of motion 'заходить', 'ходить', 'идти' and some other vocabulary related to visiting a museum. The transcript is available on russiancast.ru. The full version includes the same story from Dima's perspective, comments on some vocabulary including the stress of the verb 'находиться' and pronunciation of '-ться' and '-тся', as well as brief grammar notes, and a Russian/English glossary. What about you? Do you like museums? What is you favourite museum? Leave a comment!

Om Podcasten

Easy listening practice for Russian learners who already speak and understand some Russian and are willing to improve their understanding and listening skills. Each episode is a short story read slowly for you to hear how sounds and words are connected in sentences and then – at a regular speaking speed so that you can hear the speech melody. Comments on certain vocabulary are provided. The transcripts and extra materials, such as grammar notes and glossaries, are available on russiancast.ru