Avsnitt 11 ENG: Primary immunodeficiency and covid-19

This is a special edition in English regarding covid-19, from the podcast Så Sjukt - – a pod about life with primary immunodeficiency. A longer version of this episode is available in Swedish. The podcast is produced by the Swedish patient organization for people with primary immunodeficiency (PIO). The progression of the new coronavirus, covid-19, around the world affects everyone, but may especially worry those living with a chronic disease. How should people with primary immune deficiency relate to the infection? Does immunoglobulin treatment in any way protect you? And how will this outbreak affect access to healthcare and medicines in the near future? With the help of Professor Lennart Hammarström from the Karolinska Institute we highlight and discuss some of the questions that have been submitted to PIO in this highly topical episode from Wednesday, March 18, 2020. For more information on covid-19, visit folkhalsomyndighet.se and pio.nu. The podcast ”Så Sjukt” is a collaborative project between PIO and CSL Behring.

Om Podcasten

I podden "Så sjukt" kommer vi att få höra personer i olika åldrar som ger sina perspektiv från vardagen med primär immunbrist, höra om deras utmaningar och få tips om hur de löst olika problem. Experter från olika områden kommer också att intervjuas och svara på lyssnarfrågor. Programledare: Lucette Rådström. Producent: Estrid Bengtsdotter. Podden är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Primär immunbristorganisationen PIO och CSL Behring och startades 2018 för att uppmärksamma och fira PIOs 40-årsjubileum.