SAVAGE GIRL SUMMER - Week 2: Waking Up Early and Fitness Habits
Hey Besties, it's week 2 of the Savage Girl Summer. Today we are diving deep into the habit of waking up early and having physical health/fitness habits! These are the first 2 habits I worked on developing in my S2S journey. So I'm going to share the why behind wanting to work on these habits and how they have become core habits of mine! I break down exactly how you can start waking up early and incorporating movement into your day and keep it consistent. I also answer a few Ask Shelby questions at the end! SIGN UP for the Downloadable Course APPLY for my 6-Week Class SUBMIT Your Questiosn for more Ask Shelby episodes! Shop my HABIT TRACKER FOLLOW along with me: ON Instagram @shelbysacco5 ON Tiktok @shelbysacco5 (Main Account) ON Tiktok @shelbys_habits (My Daily Dairy)