SAVAGE GIRL SUMMER - Week 5: Breakups and Nighttime Routine
Hey Besties, it's Week 5 of the Savage Girl Summer! This week we cover breakups and a nighttime routine. All of the habits we talk about have impacted my life... but ya'll know my breakup content hits different! How I created healthier habits to heal from previous relationships was a journey and my absoute hardest habit was forming a nighttime routine! SIGN UP for the Downloadable Course APPLY for my 6-Week Class SUBMIT Your Questiosn for more Ask Shelby episodes! Shop my HABIT TRACKER Save on Memore with code SAVAGE FOLLOW along with me: ON Instagram @shelbysacco5 ON Tiktok @shelbysacco5 (Main Account) ON Tiktok @shelbys_habits (My Daily Dairy)