Who Is Influencing You? | Ep. 7

In today's episode we dive into the question who is influencing you? We talk about the effects of social media as well as the role others play in our lives. I am really excited to share this episode and the things that helped me make social media healthy and helpful.

Om Podcasten

Sad to Savage is a podcast focused on teaching habits that improve your mental and physical health. This step-by-step guide (led by the self-proclaimed habit hype girl Shelby Sacco) will cover all things health, wellness, habits and routines. If you are looking to create your dream life, find changes that ACTUALLY work and ultimately change your entire freaking world- then you my sweet bestie are in the right place. This podcast will cover anything and everything. You can expect episodes on healthy eating habits, morning / nighttime routines, self-love habits, fitness habits, how to stop self-sabotaging, dealing with judgment from others / judging others, anxiety, communication, breakup habits and MORE. Website - https://sad2savage.com/ IG - https://www.instagram.com/shelbysacco5/?hl=en TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@shelbysacco5?lang=en