India Could Lose 1/3rd of its Area to the Ocean – Sadhguru

Pre-independence India lost about one-third of its area because of the partition. Did you know that India could lose another 1/3 of its land mass if rivers stop flowing into the ocean? Sadhguru explains how.Editor's Note: Connect with Sadhguru! Download the Sadhguru App and get access to Sadhguru’s articles, videos, daily quotes, program info and much more. Available on Android and iOS. Conscious Planet: Sadhguru App (Download): Sadhguru Website: http://isha.sadhguru.orgSadhguru Exclusive: for privacy information.

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Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation is a yogi, mystic and spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a reminder that inner sciences are not esoteric philosophies from an outdated past, but a contemporary science vitally relevant to our times.