Shortcut #6: Advanced Protection: How to protect your accounts from attacks and data exploitations?

Shortcuts is a mini-episode, delivering compact knowledge for your digital daily life. Experts from TÜV SÜD and the Google Safety Engineering Center use the occasion of European Cybersecurity Month in October 2020 to give helpful tips: How can you protect your privacy on the Internet and your personal accounts against unauthorised access? How can users help to develop privacy pages? Our Shortcuts explain these and many other issues in seven episodes.

Om Podcasten

Der TÜV SÜD Podcast zu Cybersecurity & More. Egal ob privat oder im Job: Nur wer die Risiken digitaler Technologien kennt, kann ihre Chancen auch bestmöglich nutzen. Wir fragen zum Beispiel: Wie sicher ist die Datenerfassung durch autonome Fahrzeuge? Was ist mit dem Datenschutz in der Cloud? Und wie können kritische Infrastrukturen z.B. im Gesundheitswesen sicher betrieben werden? Alle Episoden unter: TÜV SÜD's podcast about Cybersecurity & More. Whether at home or at work: only those who are aware of the risks of digital technologies can make the best possible use of their opportunities. We ask, for example: How secure is data collected by autonomous vehicles? What about data privacy in the cloud? And how can critical infrastructures e.g. in the healthcare sector run safely? All episodes are also available at