100: Reintroduction

This is episode 100, and in honor of that milestone, I’m showing up with a reintroduction. The first episode of the Sage Family Podcast, an introduction with myself, my husband, and my three children, was shared with you all over 6 years ago. Needless to say, those beautiful souls have insisted on perpetually growing and evolving and I have grown and evolved right alongside them. Our life looks so different now, and yet, the heart and spirit of the values that inspired this movement remain. In this new season of life, I just wanted to give us, you and I, the opportunity to refresh and connect anew. Get the full show notes at sagefamily.com/podcast100.

Om Podcasten

Rachel Rainbolt is the mama behind the Sage Family Podcast, where we gather around a virtual campfire to share meaningful conversations with inspiring and insightful friends around Gentle Parenting, Natural Homeschooling, and Simple Living. Are you ready to live the family life of your dreams?