Ep. 031: Owning Your Life After Divorce-With Yasmeen Rolland-Part 2

Yasmeen Rolland guides us through taking ownership of your life after facing difficult situations such as divorce or separation.  Inspired by her love of Islam, Yasmeen shares stories of the Sahabah PBUT and wives of the Prophet SAW and how the issue of divorce was viewed at that time, compared to today and how we can lessen the feelings of doubt and stress and gain a more positive perspective. Above all she shares how to trust in Allah, that He will never test you with more than you can bear. 

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The Salam, Girl! podcast features content related to building a strong confident character as an American Muslim woman. The show is hosted by Monica Traverzo and Nicole Queen, two American women who chose to convert to Islam. They share advice, experiences and interview inspirational guests to help empower Muslim women to reach their fullest potentials.