HOW The Marketplace Talks To You

This is the best kind of feedback you can get from your marketplace by actively listening to what the market is telling you. The market talks to you ALL the time. It tells you what to do, what objections they are having, what offers and funnel to put out there, what stories to tell, what hooks to use etc. If you think about it, there’s not much genius required in this game. It’s all about how well you can listen to the marketplace and launch. That’s part of the reason why I’ve never had a failing funnel. Wanna know how to listen to what the marketplace is telling you? Then listen to this episode to learn more. Key Takeaways - Content for leads challenge (02:15) - How to get organic stuff working (03:19) - How the market is talking to you (06:37) - You don’t have to always come up with good ideas (08:10) - The market tells you what they want (08:56) - Just launch, listen to the market, and do it again (13:36) Additional Resources  - Content for leads challenge - Connect with me here  --- Download Season 1 episodes here -- Sales Funnels Radio is a podcast for all passionate digital marketing pros looking to up their game and stay ahead.

Om Podcasten

My first 5 years in entrepreneurship was 34 painful product failures in a row (you heard me). Finally, on #35 it clicked, and for the next 4 years, 55 NEW offers made over $11m. I’ve learned enough to see a few flaws in my baby business… So, as entrepreneurs do, I built it up, just to burn it ALL down; deleting 50 products, and starting fresh. We’re a group of capitalist pig-loving entrepreneurs who are actively trying to get rich and give back. Be sure to download Season 1: From $0 to $5m for free at I’m your host, Steve J Larsen, and welcome to Sales Funnel Radio Season 2: Journey $100M