How To Thrive In A Market WITHOUT Burning Bridges

Did you know... It's possible to "get big" without burning bridges? (sassy voice implied). But honestly, it blows me away how many B-Level Influencers commit the kiss of death to their relationships with A-Level influencers. The point of this episode is; when you're doing your marketing, don't slam another person, don't burn a bridge because you think another opportunity is there. You don't realize how much work it takes to build a new bridge. I really cannot overemphasize the importance of relationships and not burning bridges. Here's how I've navigated the political chess game in my market without ruffling feathers AND becoming an asset to the A Players… Key Takeaways - The importance of relationships (00:00) - Never burn bridges (08:20) - How every hero's journey starts (13:41) - How to play the long-term game (15:33) - Going through growth pains (20:16) - The formula for success (26:50) - What entrepreneurship is all about (31:46) Additional Resources  - Interview me on your show - Connect with me here  --- Download Season 1 episodes here -- Sales Funnels Radio is a podcast for all passionate digital marketing pros looking to up their game and stay ahead.

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My first 5 years in entrepreneurship was 34 painful product failures in a row (you heard me). Finally, on #35 it clicked, and for the next 4 years, 55 NEW offers made over $11m. I’ve learned enough to see a few flaws in my baby business… So, as entrepreneurs do, I built it up, just to burn it ALL down; deleting 50 products, and starting fresh. We’re a group of capitalist pig-loving entrepreneurs who are actively trying to get rich and give back. Be sure to download Season 1: From $0 to $5m for free at I’m your host, Steve J Larsen, and welcome to Sales Funnel Radio Season 2: Journey $100M