56: A conversation around PTSD with Rob Cook

I had a great interesting conversation with Rob Cook (retired Military Police in the Airforce) around PTSD, (Posttraumatic stress disorder). Rob has his own experience with PTSD but has since a couple of years back gotten a deeper understanding about PTSD and how our life is created from the inside out, not outside in. Today Rob is a civilian and works as a coach, inspirational speaker, and podcast host for the 3 Principles Global Community podcast "We're are listening". Hope you enjoy this conversation as much I did and hopefully, you see something new. Connect with Rob on his website www.iamrobcook.com and you can also listen in on his podcast here on 3pgc's website, https://3pgc.org. Interested in coaching with me, Daniel Magnusson? Book a first exploratory coaching session for free on the link below. https://calendly.com/coachmagnusson/game-changer-session-pro-bono-75 Hemsida: https://www.humanchange.se Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachmagnusson/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachmagnusson/ Music: https://www.purple-planet.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/humanchange/message

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