61: Misunderstandings around the connection between thoughts and feelings lead us astray! with Mavis Karn

A deep conversation with the fantastic (and cool lady as I say) Mavis Karn.  Mavis has just turned 82 and has been in the Three Principles field for 45 years. She shares her wisdom about thoughts, feelings, and the misunderstandings that lead us astray. Mavis Karn, LSW, MA, is in private practice offering coaching, counseling, teaching, education, and consulting services. Mavis’ honesty and humble “true north” understanding of the inborn potential of each of us is deeply and broadly respected by clients and colleagues globally. She works from her home office in Minnesota. She’s the author of a well-known letter to juvenile inmates, The Secret. E-mail: connectwithmaviskarn@gmail.com FB: https://www.facebook.com/themaviskarn Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqdpTr39CfZ0KQOXqhhIJxA Interested in coaching with me, Daniel Magnusson? Book a first exploratory coaching session for free on the link below. https://calendly.com/coachmagnusson/game-changer-session-pro-bono-75 Hemsida: https://www.humanchange.se Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachmagnusson/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachmagnusson/ Music: https://www.purple-planet.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/humanchange/message

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