62: Chronic pain and the Mindbody Connection with Chana Studley

In this episode, I have a conversation with Chana Studley who is a coach and author of 2 books, and with more to come. She has her fair part of chronic pain and also a great understanding of how the Mindbody connection works, and that the deeper we understand that, the painless our lives can be. After 3 very violent attacks in Manchester and London, Chana Studley suffered severe PTSD experiencing years of anxiety and stress. “It was like my brain just blew a fuse and then everything went quiet.” After this remarkable transformation, she trained to be a counselor and has spent the last 30 years helping others recover from trauma, addictions, and working with all kinds of clients, adults, and children who want a deeper understanding of their own experience. She is now working with people with all kinds of health issues, chronic pain, eczema, IBS, migraines, etc. Once we understand what is happening the fear starts to go away and we find the missing piece that points us back to our innate wellbeing and health. And that is where the healing happens. Contact information and links to Chana Studley. https://www.chanastudley.com/ Facebook Group “TMS, Chronic Pain, and the Three Principles” https://www.facebook.com/groups/understandinganxietystressandtrauma Books written by Chana that you can find on Amazon. - Painless: A novel about Chronic Pain and the Mind-Body Connection - The Myth of Low Self-Esteem: a novel about PTSD, Hollywood and healing Painless - The Course https://www.chanastudley.com/copy-of-the-painless-program Interested in coaching with me, Daniel Magnusson? Book a first exploratory coaching session for free on the link below. https://calendly.com/coachmagnusson/game-changer-session-pro-bono-75 Webpage: https://www.humanchange.se Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachmagnusson/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachmagnusson/ Music: https://www.purple-planet.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/humanchange/message

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