Christmas Special 2021: The Songs

Merrrryyyy Christmasssssss Merrry CHRRIII-III-IISTMASSS, Merryyy Christmuuusss - tooOoOoO yyyoouuuu! Yes, real actual you! Very Merry Christmas and a very New Year. I don't know what the point of these episode descriptions are so I'm just rambling, but here's the songs from our Christmas special! J. Hereinderreny (completely awful sorry) and Ho-Ho-Holiday Oscar (slightly better) have written two ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS SONGS using a Tennis Ball and a Peppa Pig Music Set. Listen now and vote for your winner @samplewarspod on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

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Holiday Oscar and J. Henry, two musicians battle it out to write the best song possible using samples taken from everyday objects, locations and more.