Beautiful Baskets!

In this episode I talk about the NVR concept of baskets.  It's brilliant!  I love it, as do many of the parents and carers I work with.  If you're feeling a bit of overwhelm have a listen and this idea should help.For more support why not come and join us in the Connective Parenting Hub?  It's for any parent or carer who would like to be part of a supportive group as we parent our children.  You can get as much help and support from me as you'd like, as well as access to other training from other experts.  Here's the link for more details:'s also my free Facebook group where I provide tips and ideas.'ll also find lots of resources and information about the support and training I provide on my website

Om Podcasten

This is the podcast for parents wanting to feel empowered and discover the wonders of connective parenting. We'll be talking about everything from managing meltdowns to anxiety to keeping healthy and so much more. Why not come and join us?