Satura Lanx 33: Plinii Maioris ex "Naturali historia", II, 80

Locum Plinianum praelego (scilicet "Naturalis historia", II, 80) in quo ille quales sint describit gentes quae tres orbis terrarum partes incolunt. Quarum optima est - nimirum! - quam auctor ipse habitat.

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Welcome to Satura Lanx, upper beginner / intermediate podcast told in beginner-friendly, easy spoken Latin. I'm Irene Regini, and every other Saturday I'll chat about everything concerning Latin (literature, language, culture), my own life and reflections and the questions you'll ask me. The same episodes are available in full video format on my YouTube channel. Start receiving resources and updates: This is a Satura Lanx production (listen to my other podcasts: Litterae Latinae Simplices, Rara avis).