Satura Lanx 37 : Lustratio urbis Veronae cum Alexandro Veronensi

Hoc colloquium excepi per ferias Paschales, cum Veronam petii ibique Alexandrum conveni, qui nos duxit per urbem. Huic praemisi fabulam quandam e Rouse collectione, quam ipsa recitavi et in pagina inveniri potest.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Satura Lanx, upper beginner / intermediate podcast told in beginner-friendly, easy spoken Latin. I'm Irene Regini, and every other Saturday I'll chat about everything concerning Latin (literature, language, culture), my own life and reflections and the questions you'll ask me. The same episodes are available in full video format on my YouTube channel. Start receiving resources and updates: This is a Satura Lanx production (listen to my other podcasts: Litterae Latinae Simplices, Rara avis).