Say It Skillfully™ - with Chester Elton, the Apostle of Appreciation

Say It Skillfully™ gives you Molly Tschang's expert guidance on the best possible ways to speak your mind at work in a positive and productive manner. In Episode 4, Chester Elton, best-selling author & culture expert, joined and shared how the gift of gratitude, one of the precious gifts money can't buy, dramatically improves your relationships, at work & home. Molly spoke with callers and responded to her LinkedIn network about their challenges: Sophie asked about creating connection when the whole team is virtual (10:10). Garrett, recently out of college and new to his company, inquired about how to share a different point of view, respectfully - without appearing to be difficult. (28:50). What to do when someone appears to be tuning you out? (40:20 min). Vyette called in about being a leader and how to be vulnerable in a positive way with your team and ask for help (42:55) How to confront—without being confrontational—a colleague who’s dragging down the team’s positivity (49:30)

Om Podcasten

Molly Tschang's Say It Skillfully® is a show that helps you benefit from Molly's guidance on the best possible ways to speak your mind at work in a positive and productive manner. She helps everyone from CEOs to interns to recognize that we are all both part of the problem as well as the solution, and that the path to solving any problem is to say what needs to be said. Molly is a rare breed: tough enough to advise CEOs and company boards, but empathetic enough to understand the human costs of not allowing talent to shine. She has helped dozens of management teams navigate the human after-effects of mergers and acquisitions, and her show brings her expert guidance to a wider audience. Listen for Say It Skillfully® every Tuesday at 8 AM Pacific Time/11 AM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.