SY-2652 Hunnewell Hall

From Hunnewell Hall in Wellesley, MA with host Richard Sher Stereo Left: Carolyn Faye Fox, Arnie Reisman, Paula Lyons Stereo Right: Tony Kahn, Lenore Shannon, Murray Horwitz Music: The Dactyls   Rounds Played: Round 1: Definitions and Derivations Round 2: Bluff (ruderate) Round 3: Appended Animals Spotlight Round: Everything's Relative Round 4: Bluff (decussate) Round 5: Finish the line - Rodney Dangerfield

Om Podcasten

Public radio's game show of bluff and bluster, words and whimsy. The warmest, wittiest cocktail party - it's spirited and civil, brainy and boisterous, peppered with musical interludes. Fast paced and playful, it's the most fun you can have with language without getting your mouth washed out with soap. Our motto: It's not important to know the answers, it's important to like the answers!