Joy-Filled Queer Stories with Jason June

In this episode of the SCBWI Podcast, we are joined by Jason June!You’ve come here wondering, “What is the meaning of life?” Er, I mean, Jason June’s life. Jason June (it's a two-name first name, like Mary-Kate without the hyphen or the Olsen twin) is a New York Times best-selling author who loves to create picture books that mix the flamboyantly whacky with the slightly dark, and young adult contemporary rom-coms full of love and lust and hijinks.When not writing, JJ zips about Austin, Texas. He loves dinosaurs, unicorns, Pomeranians, and anything magical that takes you to a different world or time. JJ is a tried and true Laura Dern stan, and he is actively looking for an Andalite friend.​​His picture books include WHOBERT WHOVER, OWL DETECTIVE, illustrated by Jess Pauwels, and PORCUPINE CUPID, a queer-inclusive Valentine’s Day story, illustrated by Lori Richmond, both from Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster. For under-the-sea whimsical adventures, check out the MERMICORN ISLAND chapter book series from Scholastic! For YA queer YA rom-coms, check out JAY’S GAY AGENDA and the finstant NYT ​best-seller OUT OF THE BLUE, both from HarperTeen! Jason June on Instagram: Riley Weaver Needs a Date to the Gaybutante Ball here: Jay's Gay Agenda here: on Instagram: on Twitter: an SCBWI member today: the SCBWI page: the Show.

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The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators conversations with publishing pros, and award-winning and bestselling writers and illustrators who inform and inspire about the ins and outs of the children's book industry. Find out about the craft and creative process behind young adult novels, picture books, middle-grade fiction, graphic novels, and nonfiction.