Canelazo | Molac

▶️ Check out our for your audiovisual experience Introducing Molac, an electronic music virtuoso hailing from the Andean heartlands of Ecuador. The story of Molac is one of passion and musical evolution. This journey began with the tender touch of piano keys at a young age. By the mere age of 14, he was already producing house music, showcasing a remarkable talent that would eventually redefine the realms of electronic sound. As time flowed, Molac's sound transformed and matured, embracing the organic, the deep, and the progressive within the house music spectrum. It's a testament to his versatility and creative depth. In 2021, Molac ventured into the world of DJing, unveiling yet another layer of his artistic prowess. His performances exhibit not only the skills of a seasoned producer but also the keen instincts of a music curator. Molac's productions have found a home on the most respected labels within the genre, a mark of their quality and innovation. He's consistently ascended the Beatport charts for Organic House, earning a top spot in the coveted Top Hype category. His music has transcended boundaries, resonating at major festivals and earning the unwavering support of celebrated DJs. Molac's ability to craft enchanting sonic landscapes leaves an indelible imprint on listeners worldwide. Now, imagine the essence of Molac's sound distilled into a musical elixir. The Canelazo, a spiced, amber-hued drink savored in the Andean regions, captures this essence. Just as cinnamon infuses the Canelazo with rich, aromatic flavors, Molac's beats swirl around your senses, creating a musical experience that's both warm and spirited. Get ready to sip on Molac's Canelazo, a delightful auditory adventure that mirrors the richness of this traditional elixir. It's a testament to the fusion of sound and culture, a blend of house music that warms the soul and sets the spirit free. Cheers, The Bartenders Molac @molac Schirmchendrink @schirmchendrink

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Demos and inquiries are always welcome at: Schirmchendrink is a carefully curated platform and the ultimate destination for connoisseurs of electronic underground music. We serve you mouth-watering cocktails of talented artists all over the world. Schirmchendrink has the pleasure of serving delights made by the likes of YokoO, Atish, Gab Rhome, Hosini, Roy Rosenfeld, Joeski, Pablo Bolivar, Namito, Oceanvs Orientalis, Sabo, Sahar Z, Yulia Niko, Milo Häfliger, Moullinex & Xinobi, David Hohme and many more. Our menu boasts an assortment of original and classic cocktails, crafted with the finest and most exclusive ingredients. From perfect deep house to melodic techno and dreamy electronica, our selection caters to a diverse range of musical preferences. While we're passionate about kickass drinks, harder styles or techno aren't our specialty. Schirmchendrink warmly welcomes you every day of the week, from Monday to Sunday, ensuring there's never a day without sonic delights. And here's an added bonus: our cocktails guarantee an exceptional experience without any unwanted hangovers. Cheers ! The bartenders