SS #120: Let Them Go (Launching Boys with Toby Sumpter!!)

Our guest today is Toby Sumpter. Toby pastors King’s Cross Church in Moscow, Idaho. He and his wife Jenny have been married over twenty years and they have 4 kids, one of whom has recently flown the coop. He is a co-host of the CrossPolitic Show and author of Blood-Bought World and No Mere Mortals. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies with an emphasis in church history, and he teaches high school civics at Logos School. Today’s episode is a little different because it’s not focused on doing the homeschool project well, but on ending it well. Most importantly, how do we let our sons go when holding on feels so important? *** Have you joined the Scholé Sistership yet? In January, we kicked off our annual 5x5 Reading Challenge. It is not too late to join us! All you have to do is head on over to and sign up for the Sophie plan and in addition to a replay of our big kickoff webinar, you will get tons of accountability, book ideas, and support. *** Click here to access today's show notes. Click here to join the Sistership.

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Scholé Sisters is the podcast for the classical homeschooling mama who seeks to learn and grow while she’s helping her children learn and grow. Scholé Sisters is a casual conversation about topics that matter to those of us in the trenches of classical homeschooling who yearn for something more than just checking boxes and getting it all done. In each episode, we cover our Scholé Everyday (suggestions for inspiration and growth), and a topical discussion relying on principles we find in books by people like David Hicks, James Taylor, and Charlotte Mason. Come and join the Sisterhood of the Podcast!