Volcanoes on Venus

Venus is a hell world. You would suffocate, get burned and squashed if you were to be transported to Venus. Now scientists have even found signs of active volcanism on this hell planet. I recently had the opportunity to talk to the lead author of the discovery, Robert Herrick. Besides talking about the discovery itself, we also covered the reasons why Venus does not have plate tectonics, future missions to our sibling planet and even briefly the prospect of sending humans there.

Guest: Robert Herrick, Research Professor at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Robert Herricks paper on active volcanism on Venus: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm7735

Om Podcasten

Byer på Mars, baser på Månen, jagten på liv i universet - det er mål og drømme, som forskere og ingeniører arbejder intenst på i disse år. Her kan du høre om menneskehedens udforskning af verdensrummet og vores rejse mod solsystemets planeter.