Science360 for 2021

I'm publishing a short clip here just as a promo for this podcast for 2021. This podcast will be great for teachers. It can be a way to learn new things about space or the environment and lots of other can also be something that teachers can use with their students to spark conversation, introduce a topic or maybe inspire them to create their own content.I'm looking forward to '21 and all the possibilities it holds for all of us in the field of education. If you'd like to contact me regarding topics you'd like to see or just to talk about teaching, you can do so through my website www.astrostephenson.caPlease consider subscribing and sharing this podcast to any and everyone! Have a great day...Tim

Om Podcasten

Science Teacher Tim Stephenson, 2018 recipient of the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence, brings you discussions and interviews on all kinds of scientific concepts. It is ideal listening for anyone interested in learning more, both students and teachers. Learning new things then sharing those with our students is what teachers do. Fresh new content, putting world issues in context, will keep your students excited to come back for more. And since Tim is an Astronomy Teacher, there will be a lot of space talk!