American Ethnos & Folk Erasure & Religious Reinitiation | Patrick Casey

Great talk with the excellent political & cultural analyst, Writer & broadcaster Patrick Casey We talk-Why vision requires historical Ethnic understanding-Historical-American Ethnic Erosion-Religion Re-initiation as practice-Assimilation: never a real procedure,& always completely impractical?CONTENTS OF VIDEO: 00:00:00 - Historical American Being VS Das Man 00:03:15 - American Ethnic Erosion 00:10:37 - Vision requires Ethnic roots & exhumed past 00:13:38 - Heidegger's 3 Ekstasis of time: Being Is time, the past is now 00:16:13 - Exhuming Building blocks of civilisation 00:20:01 - Affirming Historic America 00:23:50 - Bracketed Americanism, more Anglosaxon than people realise 00:27:02 - To be a people is more than biology 00:29:35 - totally Impractical assimilation, even if possible 00:30:53 - Assimilation is not understood by cons who promote it 00:33:56 - American Not just Puritans: Chad Cavalier ways: Hierarchical ways of being under the taboo 00:37:43 - Founding not all bad: Attributing causation historically is impossible. 00:45:26 - Patrick’s Inciting incident to join the fight 00:51:35 - Patricks Practices & advice to young men 00:54:27 - Practice ancient faith or worship black people? 00:56:34 - Great thinkers convert into different world ontologies 00:57:31 - Re-initiation Church & virtue 01:00:33 - Sacred Vs profane rationalism & spirit of the times 01:08:45 - Contribute to the cause! Get full access to Scott Mannion's Metalore at

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Scott ignites a raging hearth fire in European and Historical-American with vitalising exhortations, dissident dialogues, cultural analysis: discover lost psychotechnologies that decipher your destiny and place in our story through Scott's examination of great—and esoteric—literature, symbol, narrative, and ritual. Join in exhuming and defining our hidden metaphysical incendiary essence from out the heroic sagas, symbols, mythos & folklore—the hidden wellspring—of our civilisation. Subscribe at Join the Greenwood project and participate at