Band of Brothers & Reforging the World of Men | Raw Egg Nationalist

Writer and publisher Raw Egg Nationalist Joins us to talk the founding of Man’s world, and his mission to remake the world of men and the domination of the ‘solar gods’.00:00:00 - Man's World's MISSION00:02:21 - How REN's Goals and mission have changed from founding00:06:50 - Ecosystem of collaborators and fraternal wisdom00:10:58 - Bud Light isn't a Win00:12:38 - Aesthetic of Mansworld, REN multitasking00:16:54 - Crushing Fake Trad brands00:20:35 - Trad Futurism00:23:44 - Forging the OVERMAN00:25:45 - There's a MALE way to wear suits and a FEMALE way00:27:45 - Male pose is NOT to receive your gaze00:30:34 - Man's World's Future00:49:26 - Oratory as Ancient Practice00:55:32 - Call to action This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

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