Does Art need God & Folk? 'Blood, Soil, & Paint' | Alexander Adams

Great talk with Author, Artist & Historian Alexander Adams We talk—The Exhibition & his book Blood Soil & Paint —Nationalism & ethnos & God in art—Leadership & principles in RW art vanguardsALEX'S TWITTER: ALEX'S BOOK: ALEX's EXHIBITION 3rd to 9th of JULY LONDON: - Intro 00:00:27 - Inciting incident 00:04:36 - Women superrepresented supersubsidised in arts 00:05:50 - "representation" is always cynical power grab 00:09:26 - Adams' Vanguard building Manifesto 00:12:59 - The Exhibition & Emeging based art structures 00:15:27 - Dedication to quality and raising competence in emerging scene 00:17:25 - Alex's Book: Blood Soil Paint synopsised 00:20:44 - Folk's Temple rooted in Gods' Earth, 00:23:11 - Nation as metaphysical soul & earth 00:28:40 - the Romantics & their Ways instinct 00:37:24 - Northern Pagan traits, important investigation 00:41:58 - Northern VS Mediterranean 00:45:36 - English ways 00:48:03 - Romantic to reactionary trad 00:52:25 - Verse and Art and symbol proceeds all philosophy and knowledge 00:57:38 - Nationalist ethnos art 01:08:58 - The growing movement: Parallel ART 01:14:26 - ATTACK all desire for enemy STATUES and CREDENTIALS 01:19:03 - Building network structures 01:23:31 - competence Vs mere Transgression as the rul.e 01:27:29 - Embody the values you want to see 01:30:33 - Need of Gods for reactionary art? 01:34:22 - Artists face on choice, stand or fall 01:41:27 - Alexanders work: Historical, critic, artist Get full access to Scott Mannion's Metalore at

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Scott ignites a raging hearth fire in European and Historical-American with vitalising exhortations, dissident dialogues, cultural analysis: discover lost psychotechnologies that decipher your destiny and place in our story through Scott's examination of great—and esoteric—literature, symbol, narrative, and ritual. Join in exhuming and defining our hidden metaphysical incendiary essence from out the heroic sagas, symbols, mythos & folklore—the hidden wellspring—of our civilisation. Subscribe at Join the Greenwood project and participate at