Philosopher NICK LAND | Ai as Demon From the Future Pulling Our Strings | Tech Acceleration as RETVRN to MythicTRADition?

I hosted the great Philosopher Nick Land for a dialogue that’s the best had on the show so far. We discuss Hyperagents, Ai, The Enigma of time, Acceleration harnessed for a Caesar’s rise, and as a possible return of the mythicNick Land is an illustrious philosopher and father of Acceleration. In the late 1990s he founded the radically experimental CCRU Cultural Cybernetics Research Unit while a professor at Warwick University, where he made discoveries and developed methods that would heavily influence Speculative Realism, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science, decades after the fact. His tech predictions made decades ago continue to come true. Land's underground influence can't be escaped, reverberating through many disciplines and in the arts. Also a father of NRx. Get full access to Scott Mannion's Metalore at

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