A Constitutional Conundrum

The Supreme Court decision confirmed that the UK is NOT a voluntary union.  So how do we leave?  That is the topic under discussion in this episode. We are grateful to Yes Glasgow South Side for sharing their zoom Q+A event with Professor Aileen McHarg, prof of public law at Durham University.  In this podcast episode we have taken selected questions from that event and spliced them together with clips from the Westminster Opposition Day debate which was also on the topic of what next for Scotland's future. The outcome, at this point, is not clear.  But these two events do provide some clarity on the legal and political barriers we have to overcome, as well as giving some hints as to how we might achieve that. Music: " Inspired" by Kevin MacLeod and Motivational Upbeat Corporate by RinkevichMusic https://soundcloud.com/rinkevichmusic Video Link: https://youtu.be/U78mgVaM12M

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Discussing Scottish Independence and other issues relevant to Scotland. Visit our website at scottishindypod.scot and Join us on discord at https://discord.gg/bm8rSB8CdN