Take 106 - Writer and producer Jeremy Adams, Supernatural, Lego Scooby-Doo

We talk to Jeremy Adams about his life in animation.He tells us about the difficulties animated writers face, how they are treated compared to TV writers and how hard it is to break out of the mould.Jeremy tells us about his successes, the sacrifices his family had to make and the irony of creating great work for little pay and then watching millions be made in consumer goods products.He explains what makes great animated writing, they joys of the comic world and his dream to writer a live action feature.A fascinating insight into an unsung part of the industry that creates huge profits, memorable characters and shows that don't age.

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Behind the glitz and glamor, Hollywood can be brutal. For every success, there are many more rejections and failures. Screaming into the Hollywood Abyss explores that world and each week a new guest will talk about dealing with rejection, failure and adversity in the entertainment industry. Writer Noah Evslin and podcaster Dan Rutstein ask the questions.