Take 88 - Showrunner Jeffrey Lieber, Lost, Charmed

We talk to the amazing Jeffrey Lieber - for the second time.We take a deep dive into the world of failure, rejection and adversity in Hollywood.We talk ill-fitting jobs, managing and leading teams and shit sandwiches.Jeffrey tells us about his fears of not showrunning again, talks us through the mistakes he’s made and gives advice to aspiring writers.A fascinating insight into the darker side of the business with one of its great minds and critical thinkers.

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Behind the glitz and glamor, Hollywood can be brutal. For every success, there are many more rejections and failures. Screaming into the Hollywood Abyss explores that world and each week a new guest will talk about dealing with rejection, failure and adversity in the entertainment industry. Writer Noah Evslin and podcaster Dan Rutstein ask the questions.