ALFRED HITCHCOCK MEGA DRAFT: PART ONE (with Drea Clark, William Bibbiani, & Walter Chaw)

HITCHCOCK / TRUFFAUT Month commences with PART ONE (picks 30-21) of the long, long, long-awaited ALFRED HITCHCOCK MEGA DRAFT. Joining us to build the foundation of the list are newly-minted Screen Drafts All-Star William Bibbiani (Critically Acclaimed Network), author Walter Chaw (A Walter Hill Film), and newly-minted Screen Drafts LEGEND Drea Clark (Maximum Film)! In two weeks: PART TWO with Mark Harris, Darren Franich, and Adam B. Vary

Om Podcasten

Experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate in the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists. Hosted by draft commissioners Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. "Most impeccable taste in guests." - Entertainment Weekly