FRANÇOIS TRUFFAUT SUPER DRAFT: PART TWO (with Marya E. Gates, Clay Keller, Ryan Marker, & Billy Ray Brewton)

Marya E. Gates returns alongside Clay Keller, Ryan Marker, and guest commissioner Billy Ray Brewton for the epic conclusion to the FRANÇOIS TRUFFAUT SUPER DRAFT, ranking films #11 to #1 on the single, definitive, best-of list! Next week brings the grand finale of HITCHCOCK / TRUFFAUT Month, with Oriana Nudo, Maureen Lee Lenker, and Ben Mankiewicz ranking the Top 10 films directed by Alfred Hitchcock! Join the Booster Club:

Om Podcasten

Experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate in the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists. Hosted by draft commissioners Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. "Most impeccable taste in guests." - Entertainment Weekly