INTERNET HORROR (with Elric Kane, Rebekah McKendry, & Matt Mercer)

Colors of the Dark hosts Elric Kane and Dr. Rebekah McKendry are back at the draft table together for the first time in over a year, competitvely / collaboratively ranking the 7 best INTERNET HORROR movies ever made! Joining Clay and Ryan at the commissioner's table is producer / actor / editor Matt Mercer!  See Elric's new film (produced by Matt and Executive Produced by Rebekah) THE DEAD THING beginning Friday, February 14th on Shudder! Become a Screen Drafts Booster by going to

Om Podcasten

Experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate in the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists. Hosted by draft commissioners Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. "Most impeccable taste in guests." - Entertainment Weekly